Consignment Sales
Below are pieces that are available on a consignment basis. Please note some pieces have the make an offer tab. We will accept reasonable offers on the pieces listed with the make an offer option, however we do not offer free shipping on the make an offer sales.

Arlene Tsosie Chinle Navajo Rug 33" x 49" $675

Roz roembke 14" x 14" Oil $1,400

Laura Robb 11" x 10" Oil $2700

Wilson Hurley 12" x 18" Oil $7500

Butterfly Yoga 33" x 62" Limited Ed. Print $1,100 5/300

Palm Trees 33" x 62" Limited Ed. Print $2,200

Tim Cherry 14H x 10L x 6W Bronze $2800

Moonlit Madonna and Child 26" x 16" Limited Ed. Print $1,100 EA 34/100

Set to Sail 17" x 24" Limited Ed. Print $1,100 A54/300

Guardian Angel Dance Party 28" x 17" Limited Ed. Print $1,100 247/300

John Ward BW Photography 22" x 27" $2500

Mario 20" x 26" Limited Ed. Print $1,100

Joe Bohler 25" x 28" Watercolor $9800

Hand me Down 16" x 24" Limited Ed. Print $1,100 A11/300

Angel in our Sails 31" x 32" Limited Ed. Print $1,100 A37/300

Don Baker 12" x 16" x 10" $635 Bronze Sculpture

Roger Williams 48" x 60" Oil Painting $15,000

Serenity Marble Sculpture 34" x 14 x 10" $12,000

Sherwood Begay 35" x 16" Fine Art Craft $800

Eugina Begay 33" x 62" $2,200

Gene Kloss 5" x 4" Etching $300

Roz Roembke 17" x 24" Oil $3200

Grant Redden 12" x 18" Oil $2800

Dan Sprick 11" x 10" Oil $3300